Practice Policies

Zero Tolerance

The Practice takes abuse or violence against its staff very seriously. Please click here further information.

General Practice Data Protection (GDPR) and Privacy Notices

To care for you, we must keep some personal information. We need it in our computer systems and paper records to address your health needs. Your doctor is responsible for ensuring the accuracy and safekeeping of this information. Please help keep your record up to date by informing us of any changes to your circumstances. Please click here for further information.

The practice has several Privacy Notices that advise how we collect and use your data.

Suggestions and Complaints

Your comments and suggestions are welcome to improve the quality of service. Click here for further information.

Summary Care Record

Your patient record is secure and private at your GP Practice. If you visit an NHS Emergency Department or Minor Injury Unit, sharing some GP information can help. It may improve your care.. Click here for further information.